2777 Pacific Ave. Ste H, Long Beach CA 90806
Ultimate Health Medical Services
Dr. Eduardo Guzman
Dr. Guzman has been in practice for 33 years. His waiting rooms are always filled with returning patients. Dr. Guzman has a 92% Success Rate for Tubal Ligation, giving women a second chance at building a family.
He practices in two locations, Norwalk and Montebello, CA. He and his staff speak English and Spanish. The staff and Dr. Guzman are more than happy to answer any questions, many primary care doctors like Dr. Khamiseh directly refer Patients to Dr. Guzman's office because they know their patients will be receiving great care.
Dr. Guzman also provide services such as:
-Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
-Annual Pap-Smears
-Vaginal Reconstruction
-Urinary Incontinence
-Abnormal Menstrual Cycles